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5 Ways to Improve Credit Score

  • Kanan Arora
  • Aug 30, 2021
5 Ways to Improve Credit Score title banner

What is a credit score?


A credit score is a number that depicts a consumer’s creditworthiness. It is the most important measure of a person’s financial health and is therefore, a widely used indicator worldwide.


Essentially, the better a person’s credit score is, the easier it is for him/her to get credit from various financial institutions. It also determines the interest rate available at the time of borrowing. Therefore, maintaining a healthy credit score really eases the path to financial freedom for an individual.


With an attempt to improve one’s credit score, this blog discusses simple yet effective methods of doing so.


(Must catch: What is credit rating?)



Credit Bureaus and Credit Rating Models:


It is generally assumed that there is just one standard credit score applicable, but this is usually not the case. Different countries have different credit scoring models that essentially determine a score to gauge the creditworthiness. Even though the fundamentals governing these credit scores are the same, the relative proportion of these fundamentals and the scale used differentiate one credit score from the other.


There are organizations called credit bureaus which are responsible for the compilation of credit reports and credit scores which are eventually used by lenders. In the United States, the three national bureaus of national significance include Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.


These bureaus use various credit scoring models, of which, the most commonly used and widely accepted is the FICO Score, which was developed by Fair Isaac Corporation in as back as 1956. It however was only made available to consumers in 1989. The FICO score is a three digit number ranging from 300 to 850. Typically, a score in the range of 670 to 739 is considered a good credit score, helping secure loans easily and at suitable interest rates.


Another widely used scoring model is the VantageScore, created by the three major credit bureaus in 2006 as an alternative to the FICO Score to better address changes in behavioral trends and advances in data collection. The most current versions of VantageScore have the same range as the FICO Score (300 to 850). 


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Factors determining credit score:


Regardless of the credit bureau and the credit rating systems used by these bureaus, there are certain intrinsic factors that determine the credit score of an individual consumer. These factors need to be understood in order to understand the various methods that can be employed to improve one’s credit score.


  1. Payment history: This takes into consideration on-time payments.

  2. Amounts owed: This measures how much debt an individual is carrying relative to his/her credit limits.

  3. Length of credit history: This measures the duration for which the individual has been handling credit.

  4. New credit: This measures the frequency of application of new credit.

  5. Credit mix: This measures the ability of a consumer in handling different types of credit including credit cards, loans, etc. 


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5 Ways to improve credit score:


In order to improve one’s credit rating, one can systematically follow the ways written below which seek to improve upon the factors affecting the credit score listed above and thus, provide a consumer with an edge over other consumers, providing him/her with a better credit experience over a longer period of time.


  1. Build a Credit File:


The first and the most obvious way of improving a credit score is by creating a timely credit file. It is essential for a consumer to open new accounts accepting credit from various credit lines right from an early age in order to build a reliable credit profile over time.


In order to lay down a good track record as a borrower in the future, it is required to open accounts in one’s name in the present and this is the first step towards building a good credit score as well.


Once an account is opened with a lending institution, they report the same to all the major credit bureaus.


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  1. Make Timely Payments:


Being disciplined and punctual with repayment of outstanding debt is one of the most important methods of steadily improving credit rating and maintaining a good credit rating score.


As can be understood intuitively, a lending institution would like it's payments to be done timely in order to maintain a healthy balance sheet from time to time. No institution wants any delays in its payments since it loses out on the time value of money or the value generated by the money had it been returned timely.


Due to the inconveniences caused to the lending institution due to delays in payments, the borrower delaying payment suffers monetary penalties along with a downgrade of credit rating with time.


An individual looking for a decent credit score needs to put in measures in place to remind him/her of making timely EMI payments and form a habit of doing so. These measures can include notification systems or automatic payment systems. 


Usually payments that are at least 30 days late can be reported to the credit bureaus and can end up hurting a consumer’s credit scores.



  1. Keep Track and Catch Up on Past-Due Accounts: 


Another seemingly obvious yet effective method of reaching a good credit score is to keep punctual checks on the past-due accounts, these could include past credit cards or loans including house loans or vehicle loans, etc.


While a late payment can remain on a person’s credit profile for as long as seven years, it accrues up late payment charges over time and puts a dent on the credit history and corresponding the credit score of the individual as well.


So, if for some reason, payments have been delayed, the reason should be conveyed to the lending institution at the earliest and the combined payment Including the initial amount and the late fee should be gotten rid of as soon as possible.


Additionally, a punctual analysis of old credit cards should be done and only if the bills can not be paid anymore should the card be discontinued, after settling the remaining dues. It is a general practice of people to switch between credit cards and then discard the previous ones. While this might seem enticing in the short term, it has a detrimental effect on the credit rating over a longer period and therefore, a detrimental effect on the long term financial goals of an individual.


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  1. Customize Credit Limit:


A consumer’s credit utilization rate or credit utilization ratio is the amount of revolving credit being currently used to the total amount of revolving credit available to the consumer.


The credit utilization rate has a significant impact on a person’s credit score. In general, the lower the credit utilization ratio, the better the credit score. 


Utilizing the credit to the fullest has a negative impact on the credit score since it fails to provide the lending institution a buffer and increases the amount of loss if the borrower defaults in his/ her payments. 


A good practice is to customize credit limits based on expenses after discussing with the lender. 



  1. Limit applying for new accounts and taking too much debt at a time:


The amount of accounts opened in a particular period of time and the number of loans taken in a fixed period of time should be kept to a minimum to improve credit score.


An individual should repay one loan and then take another if keeping a good credit score is a priority for that individual. This is primarily because if a person takes multiple loans at once, it becomes evident that the person is in an unforgiving cycle of insufficient funds, hinting at the continual of the behaviour in the future as well. As a result, his/her credit score may fall.


Also, each loan application leads to inquiry and a coupling of several inquiries can have a negative compounding effect on credit scores. The inquiry aspect is often overlooked when constantly applying for loans. 


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The Bottom Line


This blog discusses the 5 key ways to improve an individual’s credit rating. Almost all of the 5 methods discussed are intuitive in nature and do not need any sort of deep financial understanding to understand.


The key aspect however remains in the implementation part of the methods. Reaching to and more importantly maintaining a decent credit score is a slow and steady process. It does not happen overnight and therefore, the sooner the journey begins, the better it is.


The journey of improving the credit scores involves more of a consistent approach rather than a smart one and therefore, can easily be adopted by anyone.


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It needs to be understood that lending institutions need creditworthy borrowers as much as borrowers need trustworthy lending institutions for their financial requirements. The process is therefore both ways and sometimes takes longer than expected but success is guaranteed with small steps and consistent efforts.

Latest Comments

  • judsoncrump624557e3b22f5ca43f3

    Jun 06, 2024

    I was in the process of rebuilding! I had a 30-day late payment to Bank of America from May of 2019 due to being out of the state I live in due to a family emergency. My mother experienced a life changing injury and was in a trauma center for over a month. During this time, I inadvertently overlooked making my BOA payment. I explained this in a Goodwill letter I sent and was surprised that I immediately got a call stating they would investigate it. I was told to give them two to three days, as they would need time to review my account. One morning, I got a call from the same lady stating that they could not honor my request and remove it due to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. I told her that I was disappointed as I had read that they had removed other’s requests after similar events. She then apologized and stated how they changed the Goodwill/Humanitarian policy in December. I was also an authorized user on my ex’s USAA card that was charged off. It was at some point paid and settled but USAA refuses to remove the negative reporting from my credit report. I have disputed with all bureaus, and it’s never removed. This is both a recommendation and an appreciation of the good job that PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST did for me. After reading various testimonies on QUORA and myFICO forum I decided to give them a trial. And believe me when I say they were up to the task as they cleared all the negative items on my credit report including charge offs, all late payment has been marked as paid on time. My report is squeaky clean. This morning, I got an email from Experian that said, " Congrats, your FICO Score went up. My score is now 803. This might sound sketchy, but PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is a life saver. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Text (409) 231-0041.

  • johncase3976c2ff74a8e374e04

    Jun 11, 2024

    Hi there, everyone, I’m John, please to meet you all. I work as a security with a fair rent since I live with a family who doesn’t want me to live alone and have a good paying job. My goal is to build a good credit score to get a good credit card. In April I had 140 dollars or so collections from a gym saying I never canceled my membership. I wasn’t getting charged the monthly fee for it. So, I randomly go on credit karma and see the collections. Few days after I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they increased my score to 809 and improved my credit profile by removing the collections, charge off and late payments. I just saw today it says no more derogatory on my credit Karma. My score went up. I sincerely acknowledge their relentless efforts and urge you to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for any credit related issue. Contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Call 409 231 0041. Honestly, I do not enjoy writing much, but I have let the world know about this genius that helped me.

  • vernonjesse8153eace3e9a25e4325

    Jun 15, 2024

    There was a time, I was a credit disaster, I knew absolutely nothing about how credit works. I’d pay bills late thinking paying late was better than not paying at all. To be honest, I didn’t even know negatives lasted on your reports for 7 years. Why did I pay late? Because at the time, I’d think I needed to buy something shiney and then pay bills. To further my reckless behaviors, I had my house foreclosed on. To be honest, I don’t know why I checked my credit, which ultimately led me to this site where I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, but I’m glad I did, reading as much testimonies as I could. My starting score was (low 500’s). All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, as of today, I’m sitting at EX: 808, TU: 812 and my lowest is EQ: 801. If I can offer one piece of advice that helped me, I’ll advise you to contact PINNACLE by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041. The first time I’m seeing my scores reach the 800 mark, that feeling is right up there with having my first child, marriage.

  • nicoledolman210263f858749374222

    Jun 21, 2024

    I read something about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST that he fixed and repaired credit reports. I had Chapter 7 BK, 1 auto loan with Wells Fargo. My scores were 560, 563 and 552. I got in touch with him, and he started the repair which took him 9 days. He proved me wrong by sending me a link to confirm his work done and I must confirm it myself on Experian and Credit Karma. I got a congratulatory email from Experian that my score went up. My scores boost up to 811, 809, 802, all my scores are above 800’s. He also helped me apply for a credit card with high limits with several banks. I’m so happy and can’t thank him enough for the life changing results. Contact him now by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Text +1 (409) 231-0041.

  • michaelwatson108642225ff3ab3d44a1

    Jun 25, 2024

    I just want to share how I became a homeowner with the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for fixing my credit report. The negative items on my credit report deprived me of so many opportunities alongside 5 derogatory and 2 collections which messed up my report and lowered my credit score to EQ: 547, TU 564, EX 521. After my mom told me about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I reached out to them immediately and complied with their proposal. After five days he helped me boost my credit score to EQ: 809, TU 801, EX 811 excellent standard and he also deleted all negative collections and derogatory ones on my credit report. These finally got me a mortgage for my new house and credit cards. Contact him now by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041.

  • brianthompson90874249ec86103147d9

    Jul 01, 2024

    Truly Genius Hackers exist, I want to introduce PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to everyone out there for you to get your credit fixed. He’s very kind, he helped me raise my FICO score to 800+ excellent score and let me have hope in life once again. He also helped me remove all the negative items, collections with the late payments as well. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is the best when it comes to credit repair. Contact him now by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041

  • edwardhubbard960c58005aa0deb446c

    Jul 11, 2024

    From Bad Credit to Excellent!


    Jul 17, 2024

    Hey, just wanted to first start off by saying PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is extraordinary with an exceptional amount of excellent results. Attempted to rebuild my credit based on poor decisions made a few years ago. Most frustrating part of this all is that USAA is my primary issue, very annoying considering that they’re designed to support active duty and I’ve found them to be incredibly unresponsive. Jan 2023 began missing payments on a USAA career starter loan with a balance of $4753. Long story short, I was supposed to be on autopay for this loan and somehow it was removed (USAA app is miserable in my opinion). I asked repeatedly for them to reinstate my autopay on the phone and even got to the point where I asked them to record my conversations so that I could prove that I had authorized autopay but ultimately the responsibility is on the person, not the company. May 2023 my loan was charged off and closed, reporting the balance. It was never sent to collections based on my CRs. Foolishly, I attempted to dispute the account with TransUnion based on active-duty circumstances, and my TU score dropped from 685 (Vantage score 3.0) to 615 because the dispute “reopened” my closed account. I’ve asked USAA to report accurately, but after a month of phone calls and even attempted to pay in full, no change in status. Until I met this credit repair specialist known as PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they’ve the best hackers out there. Helped me fix my credit with just a little payment I made and I’m a lot happier now because my scores moved from 600s to 800s across board thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Here is the contact to reach out to them: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or +1(409) 231-0041. Mention to their team that you read a good review of an expert job done for Ryan.

  • ryanwolfe6849d89a039a4cb4e84

    Jul 17, 2024

    Hey, just wanted to first start off by saying PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is extraordinary with an exceptional amount of excellent results. Attempted to rebuild my credit based on poor decisions made a few years ago. Most frustrating part of this all is that USAA is my primary issue, very annoying considering that they’re designed to support active duty and I’ve found them to be incredibly unresponsive. Jan 2023 began missing payments on a USAA career starter loan with a balance of $4753. Long story short, I was supposed to be on autopay for this loan and somehow it was removed (USAA app is miserable in my opinion). I asked repeatedly for them to reinstate my autopay on the phone and even got to the point where I asked them to record my conversations so that I could prove that I had authorized autopay but ultimately the responsibility is on the person, not the company. May 2023 my loan was charged off and closed, reporting the balance. It was never sent to collections based on my CRs. Foolishly, I attempted to dispute the account with TransUnion based on active-duty circumstances, and my TU score dropped from 685 (Vantage score 3.0) to 615 because the dispute “reopened” my closed account. I’ve asked USAA to report accurately, but after a month of phone calls and even attempted to pay in full, no change in status. Until I met this credit repair specialist known as PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they’ve the best hackers out there. Helped me fix my credit with just a little payment I made and I’m a lot happier now because my scores moved from 600s to 800s across board thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Here is the contact to reach out to them: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or +1(409) 231-0041. Mention to their team that you read a good review of an expert job done for Ryan.

  • dianearthur168809ebb7de7a74c84

    Jul 21, 2024

    Okay, I’m 32 (female). I was supposed to be living a good decent life at this point, but I was depressed and was at my lowest. I lost my job in late 2022, and I had no plan, no savings, no emergency funds, full of debt and just made some of the worst finance choices in history. During this time, we got laid off, my car engine gave out and I had no means of transportation to get to a job. I was renting a room at the time, and I eventually had to move out because I couldn’t cover the rent. I was living in a small town up north in Michigan (NOTHING’S THERE), the plan was to stay there and save money, but I didn’t do what I was supposed to financially and ended up stuck there with nothing. I defaulted on all my credit cards and loans. My credit became a disaster. I couldn’t finance a car or rent an apartment. Last year, I was working at a bakery and was renting a room for $200 a month. The bakery started cutting my hours and then eventually they just laid us all and shut down. A whole year went by and literally I made no progress. This year 2024, I moved to Columbus, OH and I think I’m having a beautiful year. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I finally got my credit fixed through the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who gave me a whooping score of EX 811, TU 801, EQ 809 and gave me a fulfilled life here in Columbus OH. I’ve been approved of a house and a car. He’s an angel in human form don’t fail to hit him up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR call +1 (409) 231-0041. I am currently doing a Spark Delivery and DoorDash.

  • martzmichelle153dec949915ee44332

    Jul 26, 2024

    Hi, my name is Michelle Martz. My credit was deeply in mess. I saw a few people praising PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST as the credit doctor. So, I got in touch with him and hint me some details which increased my credit score by 215 points within 6 days. I also had some late mortgage payments, medical bills, one late credit card payment and some inquiries which have been wiped out. Hit him up by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR +1 (409) 231-0041. DON’T FAIL TO LET HIM KNOW I REFERRED YOU.