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AI in Military Sector - Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Pragya Soni
  • Nov 05, 2021
AI in Military Sector - Advantages and Disadvantages title banner

Defence sector plays an important role in any country. The military of a country is responsible for protecting the country’s wall from enemies and attackers. Each country put its efforts to strengthen its defence system. 


The countries build their weapons, test nuclear weapons and improve their accuracy and precision in order to improve their warfare. Now the question arises what supports a country in improving its warfare tactics? 


Which technique is responsible for strengthening the pillar of defence? The one word answer to your questions is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Let us read about the evidence in order to support the answer mentioned above.


AI and defence


Artificial intelligence supports almost all realms of life. Artificial intelligence has its roles in all the important spheres of life including healthcare, gambling, education, lifestyle, and finance. Even in defence the power of artificial intelligence is ultimate. 


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The basic strength of a defence system lies in the power of sensors. And AI helps in building the strength of sensors. AI provides robotic assistance to the military in war fields. 


Robotic assistance here refers to drone networks and automatic drill machines. Artificial intelligence also helps in detecting and scanning the hidden enemies from dark and deep places.


Major uses of AI in defence


  1. Logistics optimization.


  1. Automation tanks.


  1. Drone services.


  1. Target recognition.


  1. Development of warfare.


  1. Spies control.


What are the examples of military and defence software?


AI and IoT helps in the development of military systems and related software. There are different software existing for the purpose of defence development. Here is the list of some major military software:


  1. Command Management Information Systems (CMIS)


  1. Missile Defence Systems (MDS)


  1. Weapon Systems


  1. Radar 


  1. Sonar


  1. Command and Control, Battle Management and Communications (C2BMC)


  1. Simulation and Training Development Software


  1. Biometric Systems


Relevant article: Application of IoT in military.


What are the advantages of artificial intelligence in the defence sector?

AI improves threat sensing, facilitates transportation, reduces human labor, enhanced cyber security and improves recruitments.

Merits of AI in military

 Artificial intelligence has a number of applications in the military sector. Though the basic examples of AI in defence and military are mentioned above. Now let us learn about the broad merits of AI in the military sector.


  1. Better threat sensing


Battlefields are very dangerous places. The U.S. army thinks that AI could reduce some of the risks. The process of the U.S. army system is called as the aided threat recognition from Mobile Corporative and Autonomous Sensors. 


This technology helps soldiers become aware of threats faster and get advice about how to deal with the threats. The army put smart sensors in air and ground vehicles.


  1. Reduces human labor


Industries such as manufacturing and agriculture use AI to cut down on the size of labor forces. So the requirement of staff is less due to artificial intelligence.


  1. Improves recruitments 


Various types of National defence agencies used various recruitment methods over the years Ranging from television commercials to job fair booths. Benefit of artificial intelligence in the military is that the technology makes it easier to find suitable people who are ready to serve . 


For e.g. - Air force special operation command has 30 years of compiled data. One of the sources indicates that about 35% of the army website's 2.5 million monthly visitors are females so the army has also launched a female chatbot to pair with a male version. 


  1. More preparedness 


Training is an important part of military experience. The type of education received by soldiers affects their performance and impacts everyone who works with them on particular missions.


The air force and U.S. army pilot completed a program of an artificial intelligence training tool that provides the content and measures progress. Using it regularly enables 40 % of reduction in time needed to complete the material. 


The advantage of artificial intelligence in the military is that there is no chance of outdated textbook learners . They receive the information of the syllabus on tablets and those gadgets instantly reflect the update to the material made by the distributors.

  1. Enhances cyber security 


When a cyberattack occurs on any company then the employees have to shut down their computers and have to rely on pen and paper methods until the IT experts check the problem. So it's easy to imagine how calamitous a similar attack could be on advanced military technology.


The United States army recently called for research about how artificial intelligence powered cybersecurity options that could safeguard soldiers and communication networks.


  1. Facilitates Transportation 


Soldiers have to drive their vehicles over unfamiliar land or guide them to areas where roads or transportation is limited. Research is underway to provide Autonomous vehicles with AI so that military personnel can receive some travel assistance. 


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What are the limitations of artificial intelligence in the defence sector?


With several merits mentioned above. Artificial intelligence has the following drawbacks too. Mentioned below are the sectors where AI lags in the defence sector and needs improvements.


  1. High cost of implementation


Setting AI machines, computers etc. Improve huge costs given the complexity of engineering that goes into building one.


Further, astronomical expenses don't stop there as repair and maintenance also run into thousands of dollars.


Artificial based software programs require frequent upgrades in order to serve the requirements of the changing environment as the machine needs to become smarter day by day. 


  1. Can't replace humans


It is true that machines are more efficient than humans but machines can't replace humans. But it is practically impossible to replace humans with AI. In the near future you can't build human intelligence in a machine because it is god gifted. So, no matter how smart the machine is, it can never ever replace human beings.


  1. Doesn't improve with experience 


One of the important properties of human logical power is its ability to develop with experience and age. So the same can't be true for AIs as they can not develop like that because they are machines. They start to wear and tear with time. 


Machines can't alter their response toward changing environments. That is the basic thing on which AIs are built: repetitive nature of work where the input can't be changed. Whenever there's change in input then AIs need to be reassessed, retrained and rebuilt. 


Also, machines can not decide or differentiate between the right or wrong because they are incapable of understanding the concept of ethical or legal.


  1. Lacks creativity


AI is not built for creative pieces of work so it is clear from there that imagination or creativity are not for artificial intelligence because they are machines. AI can help you design something special, but they still can't compete with the human brain.


Suggested blog: AI in IoT



A way forward


With advent of AI in defence many sectors have improved themselves such as cybersecurity, target specification, and RADAR and SONAR systems. Though no machine is capable enough to replace humans, especially at the sensitive spots such as borders of the country. 


Also the implementation cost of AI in defence is quite high. Artificial intelligence can be fruitful in defence only when combined with human combat skills and techniques.

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