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Top 10 Companies Adopting Bitcoins

  • Kanan Arora
  • May 26, 2021
Top 10 Companies Adopting Bitcoins title banner



“Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money,” says bitcoin’s website on the main page. 


Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are digital assets or non-fiat currencies meant to be used for transactions online. The key feature of cryptocurrency is its decentralization, which means that no regulatory body is involved in bitcoin transactions. 


Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain networks. These networks allow cryptocurrency transactions to be decentralized, discretionary, and transparent. Apart from a few of the platform-based features, different cryptocurrencies have different features setting them apart and providing them with some value. 


Bitcoin is the oldest and the most famous cryptocurrency. For people not familiar with the different types of cryptocurrencies, bitcoin is cryptocurrency. 


Since its invention in 2008 by ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ and the beginning of its usage in 2009, bitcoin has gained significant public interest. Particularly in the past year (2020), bitcoin has gained unparalleled interest and this interest is appropriately quantified in the cryptocurrency markets as well. 


2020 was a great year for bitcoin, the price of bitcoin skyrocketed in 2020. But the journey of bitcoin was not as rapid all along. For most of its life, bitcoin was worth less than $1,000. Bitcoin started rising from 2017 onwards. In Jan 2017, 1 bitcoin was worth about $1,000, by the end of 2017, the same bitcoin was worth about $15,000 as per reports, provided by the coindesk. Today, it is worth about $50,000


The price movement of bitcoin has been exponential in nature. The historical price movement of bitcoin or any other asset for that matter does not necessarily imply a similar price movement in the future and this should be well noted while thinking about bitcoin.

Displaying historical Price Movement of Bitcoin upto 13 May, 2021

Historical Price Movement of Bitcoin Upto 13 May, 2021,

Image source: Coindesk

Looking at the graph above, the journey of bitcoin may seem smooth, due to the larger time frame being looked at. On the smaller time frames, including hourly, daily and even weekly, one can understand the amount of madding volatility of bitcoin especially compared to other assets available in the financial markets all over the world and this is concerning for bitcoin-enthusiasts. The bitcoin volatility index is used to measure the volatility of bitcoin. 



Volatility concern of bitcoin


Volatility is an important metric for currencies or anything with transactional qualities. One of the most important roles of central banks all over the world is to keep the volatility of their currency under check. Bitcoin faces tremendous criticism on account of its volatility. 


Since the comparison between the volatility of fiat currency including the dollar, rupee, etc. and cryptocurrency including bitcoin, ethereum, etc. is futile, crypto-critiques highly doubt seeing cryptocurrency including bitcoins to be accepted by the central banks and other regulatory institutions in the near future. If bitcoins are to replace fiat currencies someday, volatility will have to be reduced. 


If not, people will not be confident enough to hold bitcoin for transactional purposes and regulatory authorities won’t allow the same. For now, bitcoins are used primarily for investment purposes in anticipation of a future where they might be used more for transactional purposes.


There however are companies that have started to accept and adopt bitcoins for various purposes. We’ll look at a few of these companies in this blog:



Companies Accepting Bitcoin


  1. Tesla: 


Tesla made a humongous, $1.5 billion investment in bitcoin in February this year and started accepting bitcoins in exchange for its products. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and the second-richest man on Earth is a public supporter and believer of a promising future of cryptocurrency. In contrast to his decision of accepting bitcoin, in May Elon Musk explicitly stated that it won’t be accepting bitcoin anymore due to environmental concerns. 


He tweeted “Tesla will not be selling any Bitcoin and we intend to use it for transactions as soon as mining transitions to more sustainable energy. We are also looking at other cryptocurrencies that use <1% of Bitcoin’s energy/ transaction”. This points at the biggest concern of bitcoin- the environmental concern. 


Environmental Concern of bitcoin:


According to the Cambridge, Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index, the energy used to create bitcoin has soared along with the price of bitcoin, it is now equivalent to the annual carbon footprint of Argentina, the eighth-largest country in the world. 


The energy requirements are expected to increase at an alarmingly rapid rate in the future as well. This has brought about criticism of bitcoin, even from its endorsers, the chief of whom is Elon Musk. 


Massive research is being done to reduce carbon emissions. The recent decision taken by Elon Musk is aimed towards getting rid of the hypocrisy behind Tesla’s aim of becoming an emission-free company and bitcoin’s drastic increase in carbon emissions. Bitcoin currently uses approximately 125 TWh of energy per annum


To get an estimate of this amount, India with a population of 1.3 billion people uses about 1400 TWh of energy as electricity per annum. Energy being used for the purpose of mining can have alternative uses and since most of the mining is done in China where the power source of most of this energy is coal, the environment can be considered protected provided bitcoins are not mined at the current alarming rate.



  1. Microsoft: 


Microsoft started accepting bitcoin as a mode of payment in 2014. It was one of the first companies to do so. Microsoft accepts bitcoins for applications, games, and other windows content, basically all it’s digital content on Windows Phone, Xbox Games, Xbox Music, Xbox Shops, etc.



  1. AT&T: 


AT&T is the world’s largest telecommunication company. It became the world’s first telecommunication provider accepting payment in cryptocurrency as well when it started accepting bitcoin for its services in 2019.



  1. Paypal: 


Paypal is one of the world’s biggest and fastest-growing fintech companies, providing online payment systems worldwide. PayPal announced in October 2020 that users can buy, sell, and hold selective cryptocurrencies through their Cash or Cash Plus accounts starting in 2021.



  1. Yum Brands: 


Yum Brands operates KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and The Habit Burger Grill and is one of the world’s largest food conglomerates. Pizza Hut Venezuela started accepting bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies last year and KFC Canada did so for a short period of time.


(Must check: What is Credit Rating?)



  1. Restaurant Brands International: 


Restaurant Brands International is the parent company of Burger King, Tim Hortons, and Popeyes, it is the fifth-largest operator of fast-food restaurants in the world. Restaurant Brands International started accepting bitcoins beginning from Burger King Venezuela last year.



  1. Coca-Cola: 


Coca-Cola Amatil, a Coca-Cola distributor, has announced a partnership with digital assets platform Centrepay to embrace Bitcoin as a payment option in the Asia-Pacific region.



  1. BMW: 


BMW dealerships in the United Kingdom are also taking Bitcoin as payment for brand-new BMWs. Stephen James Enfield BMW, a car dealership in London and Kent, has joined forces with BitPay, a global network, to embrace Bitcoin payments.



  1. The Home Depot: 


The biggest home repair store in the United States is Home Depot. Home Depot supports Bitcoin payments through a collaboration with the mobile wallet service Flexa, which is built into their store checkout processes.



  1. Expedia: 


Expedia is one of the world’s most used travel agencies and also one of the early adopters of bitcoin. It partnered with Coinbase and started accepting bitcoin in 2014.





Above are mentioned a few of the famous companies that accept bitcoin, either wholly or on partial basis for its services. Bitcoin is being accepted by companies working in all the sectors from the financial and IT sectors to the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and tourism sectors. Other famous companies that accept bitcoin include Starbucks, Twitch, Etsy, Rakuten, Whole Foods Market, Overstock.com and Sotheby.


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Then there are other companies including the world’s largest banks particularly JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs who are planning to introduce funds particularly for bitcoins and other digital currencies in the near future.


Ever since its inception, the acceptance of bitcoins has increased significantly as is evident from the myriad of companies accepting and adopting bitcoins today. The future of bitcoin, however, is completely dependent on innovations particularly focused on the shortcomings presented by bitcoins. 


Like Tesla, other companies may also limit the use of bitcoins over environmental concerns if not handled in a swift manner. On the other hand, till bitcoin is associated with the insane levels of volatility, as it is now, it would be almost impossible for bitcoin to replace fiat-currencies, providing a much more stable medium for exchange.

Latest Comments

  • bellasamaras6367f2a0019f514a66

    Jul 21, 2023

    Hello everyone here, about 4-5 months ago I was suicidal as I had lost all my savings to a bitcoin investment sc^m I saw its ad on Facebook. I could forgive myself and almost took my own life when my sister found out she then introduced me to a hacker that they went to college together name ‘REFUND POLICY’ whom she said could help me recover the money I had sent to the sc^mmers. I was hesitant at first because I never believed it was possible. It only took 48hours or less for my lost funds to be fully recovered. I am so glad and grateful that these people didn’t get away with my funds. Thanks to ‘REFUND POLICY.’. This is why I am putting this out here incase any one has ever made such mistake, it is not too late at all, you cab still recover your money. I am going to drop the hacker’s contact details here in case anyone needs their services: refundpolicy82@ gmail dot com and on WhatsApp: +1 626 770 5974. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you need their services.

  • ameliagabriel1511d6c3dbd8fd5e4f82

    Jan 23, 2024

    FINALLY I GOT MY LOST BITCOIN BACK ALL THANKS TO CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD. Hello people, I highly recommend the service of Crypto Recovery Wizard to everyone who wishes to recover lost money either bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies from these online scammers, wallet hackers, or if you ever sent bitcoins to the wrong wallet address. I was able to recover my lost bitcoins from online swindlers in less than 24 hours after contacting them. They are the best professional hackers out there and I’m truly thankful for their help in recovering all I lost. If you need their service too, here is their contact information. Email: cryptorecoverywizard@gmail.com

  • deborahstevejenniferanthony541063c0517a4713

    Mar 19, 2024

    A team of specialists more adept than a magician with a wand is required to navigate the perilous waters of difficult recovery cases. To help you overcome the most difficult obstacles and guarantee that your misplaced Bitcoin assets return home, Brunoe Quick Hack Crypto recovery service offers their experience. As the Bitcoin space develops more quickly than a Website;"Brunoequickhack.com can learn new spells, and innovative solutions appear to strengthen asset protection. By incorporating these advancements, Brunoe Quick Hack Crypto recovery service remains ahead of the curve and offers a more durable shield than dragon scales. Like a vigilant Brunoe Quick Hack is always alert for lurking dark forces, safeguarding your cryptocurrency assets requires constant attention. Brunoe Quick Hack Crypto emphasizes the importance of protecting your digital treasures, ensuring that your Bitcoin remains as secure as Gringotts Bank. For people who are facing the terrifying possibility of losing their Bitcoin valuables, Brunoe Quick Hack Crypto Recovery Service is a radiation of relief. Brunoe Quick Hack Crypto Recovery Service shows that it is committed to protecting and recovering digital riches by highlighting proactive security measures, asset recovery expertise, and a focus to client success. With the way the cryptocurrency market is developing, Whats APP +1. 7.0.5. 7.8.4. Brunoe Quick Hack Crypto Recovery services are a great help to people who are struggling to understand asset security in the digital world. Reach out to Brunoe Quick Hack Crypto Recovery services on: brunoequickhack (AT) gmail dot com Thanks.

  • robertdkimberly7852bb09a873f644a12

    Apr 12, 2024

    VICTIM OF TRADING SCAMS OR LOST MONEY TO A CRYPTO SCAM? CONTACT >> FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY. I was devastated when I realized that the 42 ETH I had purchased years ago, now worth around $42,000, had somehow disappeared from my cryptocurrency wallet. I frantically searched through my transaction records but could find no trace of where the valuable ETH had gone. As the reality sunk in that a small fortune had potentially vanished into the abyss of the blockchain, I felt crushed thinking about all that hard-earned money evaporating in an instant. In desperation, I started scouring cryptocurrency forums for help, looking for anyone who might be able to work some kind of magic in recovering lost funds. After days of dead ends, I finally came across whispers of an underground service called Folkwin Expert Recovery that claimed to be able to retrieve inaccessible cryptocurrency under certain conditions. With nothing to lose, I decided to give them a try. The Folkwin Expert Recovery specialists got to work analyzing the intricate details of my transaction records and blockchain activity. Using advanced forensic techniques, they miraculously managed to identify where the missing ETH had ended up and formulated a process to reclaim the lost coins. After several painstaking attempts, the Folkwins finally succeeded in restoring my 42 ETH, now worth $42,000. I was euphoric when I saw the six-figure sum reappear in my wallet, snatched from the jaws of catastrophic loss. I couldn't believe the Folkwin had actually pulled off this amazing feat. I learned that cryptocurrency mistakes aren't always irreversible - with the right experts, lost funds can sometimes be rescued from the abyss by modern magic. Thanks to Folkwin Expert Recovery. Contact them Via: ****  Website: www.folkwinexpertrecovery.com  OR Email: ****   Folkwinexpertrecovery { AT } tech-center { . } com  for further assistance. Thanks, Robert D Kimberly.

  • mikewhite000893e8732b160af435c

    Apr 26, 2024


  • mikewhite000893e8732b160af435c

    Apr 26, 2024

    I made my investment with the wrong platform and ended up losing both my capital investment and the profits I had made through my trade with them over the few months we had partnered together, it was such a very pathetic experience for me as I have never found myself in a situation so critical as this. I became depressed for months and almost lost my mind facing all these scenarios alone. at some point, I was having some suicidal thoughts.. but thanks so much to my therapist who helped me to set and maintain my healthy boundaries, it was she Who also advised me to look for a specialist who could help to recover back my funds from the scammers. that one piece of advice from her did well for me as I had gone online in search of help from experts and I got referred to the Fastfund Recovery and their services. I reached out to their contact detail that were provided by individuals testifying about their good work email ( Fastfundrecovery AT Gmail Dot Com ) and filed a complaint, I was well responded to and we had a deep conversation on how I lost my money to the fake investment platform, everything seems so unbelievable while they assured me of getting everything I have lost, I was asked questions on my mode of payment and evidence that shows a transaction occurred between both parties and if any agreement was breached or stated, after all these, just within the next 48hours or thereabouts I got all my lost investment together with my profits back in my wallet, these guys are amazing. you can get them also on Telegram (at fastfundsrecovery) W/H: 1903/717//62/41 if you need their help.

  • davidfamelia148566ec2b61baa4661

    May 02, 2024

    When I first purchased 41,000 dollars worth of Bitcoin back in 2013, I never could have imagined the wild ride that was in store. At the time, Bitcoin was still relatively unknown, but I saw the potential and decided to invest big. For years, I carefully saved the private keys to access my Bitcoin wallet on an old laptop. Then disaster struck - my laptop was destroyed in a flood, taking my precious private keys with it. I was devastated, believing my small fortune in Bitcoin was lost forever. After the initial shock wore off, I discovered ( FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY ), a service specializing in retrieving data from damaged devices. I sent my waterlogged laptop to their facility, hoping against hope they could somehow recover my private keys. The process was lengthy and complex - the laptop hardware was beyond repair, so the technicians had to employ advanced forensic data recovery techniques. But finally, after months of work, they were able to retrieve the private keys and restore access to my Bitcoin wallet. When I logged into my wallet and saw the balance sitting there, over 40K worth of Bitcoin back from the dead, I was overwhelmed with emotion. Thanks to ( FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY ), my early adoption and belief in Bitcoin had paid off. I learned the importance of proper backup procedures the hard way, but now his Bitcoin wealth was secure. My story exemplifies how a combination of good fortune and technological ingenuity can sometimes bring things back from the brink, even something as intangible as cryptocurrency. Get in touch with ( FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY ) through: WhatsApp: +1 {769} - 280 - 0965 Website: www.folkwinexpertrecovery.com  OR Email:  Folkwinexpertrecovery @ tech-center DOT com for further assistance. Warm greetings, David .f. Amelia.

  • ingramamelia5122688b6f620e942f3

    May 08, 2024

    RECLAIMING STOLEN BITCOIN/CRYPTO USDT WITH =>( FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY ). My Incredible Recovery of $55,000 in Stolen Bitcoin through the wonderful skills of Folkwin Expert Recovery was nothing short of a miracle. It all started when I realized that my Bitcoin wallet had been hacked and my entire life savings of $55,000 in Bitcoin had been stolen right out from under me. I was devastated, thinking there was no way I'd ever see that money again. In a desperate attempt, I searched online for any possible solution and came across Folkwin Expert Recovery. At first I was skeptical that they could really recover stolen cryptocurrency, but I had nothing to lose so I contacted them. The Folkwin Expert Recovery experts were incredibly knowledgeable and walked me through their proprietary process of tracking down the stolen funds. They employed advanced forensic techniques to follow the blockchain trail and identify the hacker's wallet address that my Bitcoin had been transferred to. Their tenacity and technical capabilities were unparalleled. After weeks of tireless work, they finally pinpointed the location of my stolen Bitcoin. Through their connections and some quasi-legal maneuvers, they were miraculously able to regain control of the hacker's wallet and return my $55,000 in Bitcoin back to me. I was in shock that they actually pulled it off! I never thought I'd see that money again, but thanks to Folkwin Expert Recovery's brilliant skills, I got back every last cent. Their services are worth 10 times what they charged. I am eternally grateful to them for recovering my life savings when all seemed lost. Folkwin Expert Recovery gave me back my financial security and peace of mind. They are true masters of cryptocurrency recovery. After falling victim to a cryptocurrency theft that saw $55,000 of Bitcoin vanish into the digital abyss, all hope seemed lost. However, through the innovative services of Folkwin Expert Recovery, a glimmer of hope emerged. Milestones in the recovery process included tracing the stolen funds through intricate blockchain analysis, identifying the perpetrators, and navigating legal channels to reclaim what was rightfully mine. Breakthroughs came in the form of uncovering hidden wallets and leveraging cutting-edge technology to reverse the digital heist. Email them on this INFO:==> FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY @ TECH-CENTER dot COM , INFO:==> WEBSITE: W WW.FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY.COM INFO:==> TELEGRAM: @FOLKWIN_EXPERT_RECOVERY Thanks, Miss Amelia Ingram.

  • annetteoconnor517f417bb49c6cf4bf1

    May 31, 2024

    In the symphony of life, where discordant notes of betrayal and mistrust threaten to drown out the melody of trust and harmony, our tale unfolds as a crescendo of reconciliation and redemption. Amidst the cacophony of accusations and recriminations, my partner and I found ourselves ensnared in a tempest of financial misfortune and relational strife. Our journey into the labyrinthine world of investments began with the promise of prosperity and the allure of potential gains. Yet, as the curtain fell on our euphoria, the harsh reality of deceit and betrayal cast a shadow over our once-idyllic partnership. Accusations of financial malfeasance and emotional turmoil ensued, threatening to tear the fabric of our relationship asunder. Amidst the chaos of our discord, a serendipitous encounter with {FOLKWIN} Expert Recovery emerged as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. Introduced to us by my repentant partner, their reputation as virtuosos in the realm of financial restitution preceded them, offering a glimmer of redemption amidst the wreckage of our shattered dreams. Initially met with skepticism and trepidation, their assurances of legitimacy and efficacy gradually permeated the walls of our doubt, paving the way for a tentative alliance born of necessity and desperation. With meticulous precision and unwavering dedication, they embarked on a journey of discovery, unraveling the intricate threads of our financial entanglement with surgical precision. Like virtuoso conductors orchestrating a symphony of redemption, {FOLKWIN} Expert Recovery deftly navigated the complex nuances of our case, conducting a harmonious melody of forensic acumen and digital prowess. Each transaction was meticulously dissected, each vulnerability unearthed, as they delved into the heart of darkness, shedding light on the clandestine machinations of our adversaries. In the crucible of adversity,{FOLKWIN} Expert Recovery emerged as stalwart guardians of integrity and champions of justice, restoring our faith in the possibility of redemption amidst the wreckage of our shattered dreams. With their assistance, we reclaimed our lost funds and salvaged the remnants of our fractured relationship, emerging stronger and more resilient in the aftermath of our trials. In conclusion, the symphony of redemption orchestrated by {FOLKWIN} Expert Recovery stands as a testament to the transformative power of forgiveness and the unwavering resolve of the human spirit. To those adrift in the tumultuous seas of financial misfortune or relational discord, I implore you to heed the clarion Whatsapp:# +1 (740)705-0711 {FOLKWIN} Expert Recovery.{Or} Email:# Folkwinexpertrecovery @ tech-center . com , Website:# ww w.folkwinexpertrecovery.com . In their capable hands, the cacophony of chaos gives way to a harmonious crescendo of reconciliation and redemption, offering solace and resolution to all who seek it. Kisses.... God Bless, Annette O' Connor.

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