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Trading Psychology: Role of Mind In Making Money

  • Vrinda Mathur
  • May 02, 2022
Trading Psychology: Role of Mind In Making Money title banner

The biggest adversary of the trader is fear,' says the most renowned book on trading psychology, "Tradingpsychologie." 'Whoever is terrified loses!' You must have experienced feelings like fear, greed, remorse, hope, overconfidence, uncertainty, anxiousness, and so on as a trader.


While every trader experiences this emotional rollercoaster, a successful trader understands that allowing emotions to affect financial decisions is never a smart idea. The true essence of trading psychology is not allowing your emotions to influence your trading selections!


We will try and educate you on the significance of trading psychology in this blog.


What is Trading Psychology?


Trading psychology refers to a trader's mental state and emotions, which determine whether a deal will succeed or fail. It shows the components of a trader's personality and attributes that impact their trading decisions.


While other factors such as trading experience and education influence a trader's performance, trading psychology is a critical component that may make or break a deal. Some of the emotions and sentiments that traders have are beneficial, while others, such as anxiousness, fear, and greed, may be detrimental to trading performance and should be avoided.


Traders who are aware of trading psychology are less likely to make judgments based on emotions or prejudices.It can assist individuals increase their chances of profiting from a transaction or, in the worst-case situation, reduce the size of their losses.


Each trader's trading psychology is unique, and it is impacted by the trader's emotions and prejudices. Greed and fear are the two major emotions that might influence a trade's success or failure.


Greed is characterized as an overwhelming drive for profit that might impair a trader's judgment and reason. Buying stocks of untested firms because they are on the rise, or buying shares of a company without comprehending the underlying investment, is an example of a greed-inspired transaction. 


Greed can sometimes cause a trader to stay in a position for too long in the hopes of extracting every possible event from the deal. It is customary near the end of a bull market for traders to seek to profit from market moves by taking up hazardous and speculative bets.


Fear, on the other hand, is the polar opposite of greed, and it is the reason why people abandon trades early or avoid taking on dangerous positions because they are afraid of losing money. Fear causes investors to act impulsively by rushing to leave a trade. It occurs often during bad markets and is marked by large selloffs due to panic selling.


Fear and greed are critical parts of a trader's overall strategy, and knowing how to manage them is crucial to being a good trader.


Also Read | 6 Basic Principles of Trading 


How does Bias Affect Trading?


A bias is a preset preference for one position over another. When a trader is prejudiced, it might make it difficult to make effective trading decisions since it prevents proper judgment. Rather of relying on basic information, the trader may wind up acting on emotions.


A trader is more inclined to trade an item or currency with which they have previously had success, or to avoid an asset with a history of loss. Understanding such biases might aid traders in overcoming them and acting with caution.


The following are some of the most common forms of trading biases:

How Bias Affects Trading :1. Bias Towards Negativity 2. The Gambler's Fallacy 3. Bias for the status quo

How Bias Affects Trading

  1. Bias toward Negativity


Negativity bias causes a trader to focus on the bad aspects of a deal rather than both the good and negative aspects. The result of such a bias is that a trader may abandon a whole strategy due to the unfavorable element when all they need to do is make a minor modification to transform the transaction into a profit.


  1. The Gambler's Fallacy


The gambler's fallacy is described as an incorrect perception that a certain event is less or more likely to occur as a result of prior occurrences when it has been proved that the likelihood of such events occurring is unrelated to previous events. 


In this situation, a trader may believe that because a trader has made a profit, the trader has made a good decision and further the trend may continue


  1. Bias for the Status Quo


When a trader thinks that prior deals or tactics will continue to be relevant in the present market, this is known as the status quo bias. The risk of making such an assumption is that the trader will not look for fresh chances that are applicable in the present market, thus excluding them from more profitable trades and tactics.


Also Read | What is Insider Trading?


How To Master Your Trading Psychology Skills


Gaining awareness of your own emotions, prejudices, and personality traits is the most straightforward way to improve your trading psychology. Once you've identified them, you may devise a trading strategy that takes them into consideration in the hopes of minimizing the impact they might have on your decision making process.


If you've lost money in the past as a trader, you're likely to be cautious while starting fresh transactions. This is because you will believe that the transaction would be costly.


We went through the same thing when we first started trading. We took a long time before trading after losing our whole money. We were constantly apprehensive about the transactions we were opening when we first started trading again. This is a phase that you will go through as well.


When you're afraid, you're more likely to make rash judgments! For example, you may see an opportunity yet be hesitant to take advantage of it. You could also be able to absorb losses before the deal expires.


Everyone wants to learn how to master the art of trading. These suggestions may be useful :-


  1. Set Your Goals


There is no race if there is no finish line. The same is true for trading. When you begin preparing, the first thing you should do is establish and write down your goals. Be honest about your ability level, and when it comes to trading with IQ Option, you have tools to assist you do so. 


Set annual, monthly, weekly, and daily objectives. Taking too big a mouthful all at once will just annoy you and slow you down. Knowing what you're aiming for can only help you get there faster.


  1. Set Trading Budget


When doing a financial review, the first step should be to create a budget. It will assist you in avoiding going overboard and incurring unnecessary debt. Never spend more money than you have. When doing the calculations, keep in mind that there is always the possibility of severe losses. 


Include them in your budget to avoid going overboard in the event of a loss. Financial preparation is one of the most crucial aspects of trading, so approach it with caution and thoroughness.


  1. Risk Management Strategy


When doing a financial review, the first step should be to create a budget. It will assist you in avoiding going overboard and incurring unnecessary debt. Never spend more money than you have. 


When doing the calculations, keep in mind that there is always the possibility of severe losses. Include them in your budget to avoid going overboard in the event of a loss. Financial preparation is one of the most crucial aspects of trading, so approach it with caution and thoroughness.


  1. Make a Trading Schedule


If you don't have a consistent schedule, trading can consume your entire day. It will not only harm you personally, but it may also jeopardize your investing streak. Timing is essential in the world of trading. Depending on your objectives and trading technique, you will require one to two hours every day or more. 


It is typically decided by whether you want to invest for the long run or for the short term. In either case, you must be aware of when and how much time you can devote to trading each day, and you must adhere to that timetable.


  1. Document Data and News


Keeping up with stock market trends and the financial world is critical for identifying the optimal time to make investments. It would also allow you to compare your plan to that of your competitors and see where you fall short. 


Trading is a trial-and-error process, and the only way to discover what works for you and others is to explore. By recording everything, you'll be able to predict trends and then revise them afterwards.


  1. Decide on Trading Strategy


This is the final stage, but it is most likely the most important. Every other piece of information, evaluation, and guidance you receive will help you select which trading technique will get you to your goal. 


There are several trading techniques available, each with its own approach to trading. Determine which one is ideal for your needs and trading style. By doing so, you will increase your chances of success while also reducing your losses.


The trading world is sophisticated and difficult, and you will require all the assistance you can obtain. Making a great trading plan can assist you in learning and growing. The most crucial thing you can do is to conduct preliminary research. Use every piece of information to build your strategy and reach your desired goal.


Also Read | Top 10 Principles for Effective Trading





Traders must learn everything they can about the stocks and sectors that interest them. Keep up with the news, educate yourself, and attend trade seminars and conferences if feasible.


Give the research process as much time as feasible. Studying charts, chatting with management, reading trade publications, and conducting other background work such as macroeconomic or industry research are all examples of this.


Fear may also be overcome with knowledge.Traders must maintain flexibility and consider experimenting from time to time. You may, for example, think about utilizing options to reduce risk. 


Experimentation is one of the most effective ways for a trader to learn (within reason). The experience might also aid in the reduction of emotional impacts.


Finally, traders should evaluate their own performance on a regular basis. Traders should reflect on how they prepared for a trading session, how up to date they are on the markets, and how they're progressing in terms of continuous education in addition to assessing their returns and specific positions. This frequent evaluation can assist a trader in correcting errors, changing undesirable habits, and improving total profits.

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