Paris Based Web3 platform Arianee raises $21 million

May 11, 2022 | Mallika Rangaiah

Paris Based Web3 platform Arianee raises $21 million title banner

About the Company


Arianee is a Paris based Web3 platform that provides end-to-end web3 solutions for brands. It helps brands in tokenizing different valuable assets and distributing NFTs.  As per Vogue, the platform combines Arianee Project, an association that manages the open source part of the technology, and Arianee SAS, a software-as-a-service firm based on blockchain technology. 


Arianee is focused on building a decentralized internet, while keeping integrity and respect for privacy in mind. With NFT becoming a trending digital asset in the recent era, Arianee aims to capitalize on the same by deploying metaverse, supporting airdrops and endorsing engaging in-app visualizations. The platform is focused on downstream use cases such as customer relationship management.


The Raise


Arianee raised $21 million in a Series A round headed by Tiger Global. As reported by Tech Crunch, alongside Tiger Global, existing investors Bpifrance, ISAI, Noia Capital and Cygni Labs also took part in the round. First time investors joining the round include Commerce Ventures and Motier Ventures. 


Prior to this, Arianee had raised $9.5 million in a seed round in March 2021, which included the participation of government-affiliated French Public Investment Bank (Bpifrance), which had also participated in the Series A round.


The funding round is a combined equity investment in Arianee’s software solution as well as Aria20, which is the native cryptocurrency of the Arianee platform. Alongside global expansion and additional hires, the funds will be deployed to resume developing the brand’s products and services.

Tags #Business Analytics#Cryptocurrency


May 29, 2024

Hi! My name is Raymond Basham, I live in New Jersey. My score has been stuck between 579 and 583 for three years. I have several lates on my report which consist of mortgage, student loans, car loan with DoFD in April 2019 and filled my BK7 5/30/19. I almost have to get my score up, but it never budges. I was able to employ the service of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me fix my credit report back to normal and increased my credit score to an excellent score within 9 days. He also paid all the late payments on my credit report. Highly recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to everyone who wants to fix their credit report. His really a great hacker; contact him now by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or text (409) 231-0041.


Jun 11, 2024

Hi there, everyone, I’m John, please to meet you all. I work as a security with a fair rent since I live with a family who doesn’t want me to live alone and have a good paying job. My goal is to build a good credit score to get a good credit card. In April I had 140 dollars or so collections from a gym saying I never canceled my membership. I wasn’t getting charged the monthly fee for it. So, I randomly go on credit karma and see the collections. Few days after I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they increased my score to 809 and improved my credit profile by removing the collections, charge off and late payments. I just saw today it says no more derogatory on my credit Karma. My score went up. I sincerely acknowledge their relentless efforts and urge you to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for any credit related issue. Contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Call 409 231 0041. Honestly, I do not enjoy writing much, but I have let the world know about this genius that helped me.


Jun 18, 2024

There was a time, I was a credit disaster, I knew absolutely nothing about how credit works. I’d pay bills late thinking paying late was better than not paying at all. To be honest, I didn’t even know negatives lasted on your reports for 7 years. Why did I pay late? Because at the time, I’d think I needed to buy something shiney and then pay bills. To further my reckless behaviors, I had my house foreclosed on. To be honest, I don’t know why I checked my credit, which ultimately led me to this site where I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, but I’m glad I did, reading as much testimonies as I could. My starting score was (low 500’s). All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, as of today, I’m sitting at EX: 808, TU: 812 and my lowest is EQ: 801. If I can offer one piece of advice that helped me, I’ll advise you to contact PINNACLE by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041. The first time I’m seeing my scores reach the 800 mark, that feeling is right up there with having my first child, marriage.


Jun 27, 2024

I just want to share how I became a homeowner with the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for fixing my credit report. The negative items on my credit report deprived me of so many opportunities alongside 5 derogatory and 2 collections which messed up my report and lowered my credit score to EQ: 547, TU 564, EX 521. After my mom told me about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I reached out to them immediately and complied with their proposal. After five days he helped me boost my credit score to EQ: 809, TU 801, EX 811 excellent standard and he also deleted all negative collections and derogatory ones on my credit report. These finally got me a mortgage for my new house and credit cards. Contact him now by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041.


Jul 01, 2024

Truly Genius Hackers exist, I want to introduce PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to everyone out there for you to get your credit fixed. He’s very kind, he helped me raise my FICO score to 800+ excellent score and let me have hope in life once again. He also helped me remove all the negative items, collections with the late payments as well. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is the best when it comes to credit repair. Contact him now by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041


Jul 08, 2024

Hi everyone, I want to appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for their help. Long story short, I had 3 Amex cards that were all used for business across 2 businesses. Two payments on one of those cards (related to a business that was struggling) was missed in the summer of 2022 which resulted in all 3 cards being cancelled by Amex (the other 2 cards, related to the same business had perfect payment history). That card which was opened in 2019 eventually went into collections and was charged off. Ended up settling the card with a single lump sum payment in the summer of 2023 but was still showing as a charge off on my report. I followed the advice found on this site and I was able to employ the services of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me fix my credit back to normal and increased my scores to an excellent score. My vantage score is between 785-800 and FICO is at 806, 810 and 815 within 6 days. He also removed all charges and paid all the late payment on my credit report. Now I finally purchased my dream house. His really a great hacker; reach out to him now via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or text (409) 231-0041.


Jul 14, 2024

I used to have a problem with my credit. I had a bad credit score, and I couldn’t do so many things. I was afraid to try any credit repair company because there are so many scammers too. But my friend Joe introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, and they helped me raise my credit score big time. I really love the services. They’re easy to talk to and super legit. I hope this will help those who need credit repair assistance. Hit them up by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or +1 (409) 231 0041. Don’t fail to let them know I referred you. Cheers!


Jul 18, 2024

Hey, just wanted to first start off by saying PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is extraordinary with an exceptional amount of excellent results. Attempted to rebuild my credit based on poor decisions made a few years ago. Most frustrating part of this all is that USAA is my primary issue, very annoying considering that they’re designed to support active duty and I’ve found them to be incredibly unresponsive. Jan 2023 began missing payments on a USAA career starter loan with a balance of $4753. Long story short, I was supposed to be on autopay for this loan and somehow it was removed (USAA app is miserable in my opinion). I asked repeatedly for them to reinstate my autopay on the phone and even got to the point where I asked them to record my conversations so that I could prove that I had authorized autopay but ultimately the responsibility is on the person, not the company. May 2023 my loan was charged off and closed, reporting the balance. It was never sent to collections based on my CRs. Foolishly, I attempted to dispute the account with TransUnion based on active-duty circumstances, and my TU score dropped from 685 (Vantage score 3.0) to 615 because the dispute “reopened” my closed account. I’ve asked USAA to report accurately, but after a month of phone calls and even attempted to pay in full, no change in status. Until I met this credit repair specialist known as PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they’ve the best hackers out there. Helped me fix my credit with just a little payment I made and I’m a lot happier now because my scores moved from 600s to 800s across board thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Here is the contact to reach out to them: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or +1(409) 231-0041. Mention to their team that you read a good review of an expert job done for Ryan.


Jul 23, 2024

Okay, I’m 32 (female). I was supposed to be living a good decent life at this point, but I was depressed and was at my lowest. I lost my job in late 2022, and I had no plan, no savings, no emergency funds, full of debt and just made some of the worst finance choices in history. During this time, we got laid off, my car engine gave out and I had no means of transportation to get to a job. I was renting a room at the time, and I eventually had to move out because I couldn’t cover the rent. I was living in a small town up north in Michigan (NOTHING’S THERE), the plan was to stay there and save money, but I didn’t do what I was supposed to financially and ended up stuck there with nothing. I defaulted on all my credit cards and loans. My credit became a disaster. I couldn’t finance a car or rent an apartment. Last year, I was working at a bakery and was renting a room for $200 a month. The bakery started cutting my hours and then eventually they just laid us all and shut down. A whole year went by and literally I made no progress. This year 2024, I moved to Columbus, OH and I think I’m having a beautiful year. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I finally got my credit fixed through the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who gave me a whooping score of EX 811, TU 801, EQ 809 and gave me a fulfilled life here in Columbus OH. I’ve been approved of a house and a car. He’s an angel in human form don’t fail to hit him up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR call +1 (409) 231-0041. I am currently doing a Spark Delivery and DoorDash.


Jul 26, 2024

Hi, my name is Michelle Martz. My credit was deeply in mess. I saw a few people praising PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST as the credit doctor. So, I got in touch with him and hint me some details which increased my credit score by 215 points within 6 days. I also had some late mortgage payments, medical bills, one late credit card payment and some inquiries which have been wiped out. Hit him up by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR +1 (409) 231-0041. DON’T FAIL TO LET HIM KNOW I REFERRED YOU.