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10 Types of Software Testing

  • Pragya Soni
  • Mar 19, 2022
10 Types of Software Testing title banner

We are living in a technical era, everything around us is made up of two categories, either software or hardware. Software is the soul of the era as well as the devices. The IoT devices are worthless unless they are fed with proper and upgraded software. But before software is launched in the market it has to cross several tests. 


In this blog, we will study about the types of software testing and their examples.


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What is Software Testing?


Software Testing is basically a method that is used to check if the actual software product matches the expected requirements of the users. In simple words, Software Testing is a quality check process that is used to detect errors and lags in software. Software testing can be done by the means of automated or manual tools.


The aim of software testing is to evaluate one or more properties of interest. Software testing also helps in identifying errors, gaps or missing requirements in contrast to actual requirements. Software testing is also known as White box or Black box testing. 


What are the principles of Software Testing?


The principles that software testing abides by, are as follows:


  1. The Tests should meet the customer’s requirements.


  1. Software Testing should be exclusively done by the third party and not the creator company.


  1. Exhaustive Testing is almost impossible.


  1. Software Testing should be planned before implementation.


  1. Software Testing should be started by small parts and then extended to the large parts.



Importance of Software Testing


Software testing is essential to ensure the safety of the IoT devices. It is used to solve different types of bugs and errors in the software. Software testing can help in solving the bugs in software before delivering the product into the devices. 


Also, properly checked software ensures reliability, security and high performance. It also results in time saving, cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction.


Implementing software testing has following benefits:


  1. Testing software before launching can help the organization to save money for the long term. 


  1. Detecting bugs at initial stages costs less money to fix.


  1. Software Testing ensures the security of devices and data.


  1. Software Testing ensures a quality product delivery.


  1. Quality software delivery ensures customer satisfaction.


Also Read | Interoperability Testing in Software Testing



Types of Software Testing


Software testing resembles the test of software from face to foot. It is categorized into several categories. There are broadly 10 types of software testing. Here is a detailed list of all the ten.

10 types of Software Testing are:Unit testingIntegration testingRegression testingSmoke testingBeta testingSystem testingStress testingPerformance testingObject-oriented testing

Types of Software Testing

  1. Unit Testing


Unit testing focuses on testing the smallest unit of the software design. During unit testing, we test an individual unit or group of similar units. The programmer performs unit testing by feeding the software a sample unit and observing the corresponding outputs for that.


For example,


  • Loop verification.


  • Incorrect initialization.


  • Incorrect arithmetic precedence.



  1. Integration Testing


As the name suggests, integration testing is done by combining all groups to produce related outputs. The main objective of integration testing is to gather unit tested components. 


Later it is done to build a program structure that is dictated by the final design. Integration testing is divided into four types, Top-down, Bottom-up, Sandwich and Big-Bang.


For example,


  1. Black box testing


  1. White box testing



  1. Regression Testing


Regression testing is done when a new module is added to the software program. This module should lead to a change in the program. The objective of regression testing is to make sure that the system works well even after adding new changes.


For example,


Testing of any program after modifying or adding something to it.



  1. Smoke Testing


Smoke testing is an intermediate testing. It is done to check if the software under testing is ready or stable for further testing. The name smoke test itself suggests that it is done to check if switching on the initial switch catches smoke or fire or not.


For example,


Suppose a program is divided into two parts, before going through the 2 part it is essential to thoroughly check the 1 part systematically.



  1. Alpha Testing


Alpha testing is a type of validation testing. It is also known as acceptance testing. The main objective of alpha testing is to ensure customer satisfaction. Unlike other testing which is done by the programmers, alpha testing is done by the QA staff.


For example,


Internal testing of software within the organization before the launch.


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  1. Beta Testing


Beta testing is almost the beginning of final testing. The objective of beta testing is to experience the customer’s feedback. The beta test is done at one or more customer sites by the end-user of the software. The beta testing has a limited number of users for testing in a real-time environment.


For example,


Before launching a software, testing is done on a limited number of people.



  1. System Testing


The system testing is done to check if the system works fine with different operating systems or not. System testing is classified under black box testing technique. 


The system testing basically focuses on the input and output of the system without focusing on the internal working. It includes security, recovery, stress and performance testing.


For example,


  • Functional testing


  • Non-functional testing



  1. Stress Testing


Stress Testing is sometimes separated by the system testing and sometimes is combined with the same. As the name shows, Stress Testing is done to check the integrity of your device. In these kinds of tests, the software passes through an unfavorable condition and its response is checked.


For example, 


  • Maximum memory test.


  • Test of virtual operating system.


  • Excessive disk requirement test.



  1. Performance Testing


Performance testing is done to test the run-time performance of software. Sometimes, referred to as load testing, it is done within the context of an integrated system. Performance testing is done to test the speed and effectiveness of the program. 


For example,


Test to check the number of processor cycles. 



  1. Object-Oriented Testing


Object-oriented testing is the final software technique. It is performed by combining different testing techniques together. It is done to verify and validate object-oriented software.


The object-oriented testing follows the following steps:


  1. Testing of requirements.


  1. Design and analysis of testing.


  1. Code testing.


  1. Integration testing.


  1. System testing.


  1. User testing.


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Other Types of Software Techniques


Apart from these ten-software testing, there are also many other types of software testing. Some of the major software tests include :


  • Ad-hoc testing


  • Acceptance testing


  • Accessibility testing


  • Browser Compatibility testing


  • Back-end testing


  • Branch testing


  • Component testing


  • Boundary value testing


  • Exploratory testing


  • Graphic user interface technique


  • Load testing


  • Monkey testing


  • Mutation testing


  • Negative testing


  • Performance testing


  • Recovery testing


  • Risk based testing


  • Sanity testing


  • Security testing


  • Static testing


  • Unit testing


  • Usability testing


  • Volume testing


  • Vulnerability testing


  • Overall final testing


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This is everything you need to know about software testing. Software testing is an important part of every project launch. Programmers in the present day, give grave importance removing the errors and bugs in the program before launching a software.

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