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All you need to know about SAFe Agile Methodology

  • Sourav Sharma
  • Dec 13, 2022
All you need to know about SAFe Agile Methodology title banner

Building a software or software product is as similar as building a house.


As you can't directly copy and paste your home’s infrastructure into the real world, you can’t build your product in one go either. It has to go through some planning; a foundation has to be laid; architecture has to be decided; and many more similar considerations have to be made before/while building a software product.


SAFe Agile methodology is the process which inculcates these mini-processes and results in the making of a final product.

Let us take a look at what we mean by the methodology and why it is every developer’s go-through scheme.


Table of Contents:


  • What is Agile?

  • What is SAFe?

  • The Three Levels

  • Team Level:

  • Program Level:

  • Portfolio Level:

  • Flow of Information

  • Why SAFe?

  • Conclusion


What is Agile?


Agile, in simple terms, is a product development process in which a product is made in iterations or stages.


Because one cannot wait a long time in this technologically advanced world to release a large product, Agile methodology allows developers to deliver their product in small packets.


The Agile Methodology provides developers with a way to improve their product at every stage in the form of updates.


For instance, if we take the example of WhatsApp, we can see regular updates of the application, which signifies the practice of Agile Methodology.


Also Read | What is Agile Software Development?


What is SAFe?


SAFe is an abbreviation for a type of Agile framework, which is the Scaled Agile Framework.


This methodology tends to divide the production phase of the product into three levels:


  • Team/Individual Level

  • Program Level

  • Portfolio Level


We should note that the SAFe methodology does provide the freedom of working on different levels in iterations, but not independently. All the three levels, including the iterations, are connected to each other, which is the sole reason why it's so popular and most frequently used among software developers.


Each level of the SAFe framework has some responsibilities which help in contributing to making value. We can see below the functioning of the three levels in detail.


Also Read | 7 Types Of Agile Methodologies


The Three levels


The SAFe methodology works on communication between its three levels, namely team, programme, and portfolio.


The Team Level is responsible for the development of the software at the grassroot level. This level serves as the building block of the methodology.


The Program Level is responsible for optimising the rate of development by the team level. Basically, this level serves as the optimising part of the methodology.


The Portfolio Level is responsible for taking major decisions such as what type of product is needed in the market, how much demand and value the product creates, whether the company can afford the making of a new product, and many more business-related decisions. This level serves as the brain of the methodology.

This image depicts the three levels of the SAFe methodology and their connection with each other.

Three Levels of SAFe Methodology


Team Level:


The Team Level in a SAFe framework is the lowest level where individuals or a group of individuals start the product life cycle, i.e., the development of the product.


The team level is responsible for solving product related problems by implementing different techniques such as SCRUM, KANBAN , etc. They are generally employees, freelancers, or cooperatives who work to handle the raw material and turn it into a valuable product or part of the product.


The SAFe framework requires good engineering practises at the team level; otherwise, it can create a mess if the grassroot work is unbalanced. Teams work in iterations with a common start and end time, at the end of which their work is collaborated on by the program level. This iteration period is around 2 weeks, which means teams start one iteration every 2 weeks, and after every 2 weeks, their work is combined and a further pathway is created for the next iteration.


Agile teams power the Agile Release Train (ART) and ultimately the entire enterprise. ARTs are responsible for delivering larger solution value. All teams on the train collaborate with other teams, contribute to its Vision and Roadmap, and participate in ART events. In addition, they are largely responsible for building the Continuous Delivery Pipeline and DevOps capabilities.


For instance, if we talk about the Google Workspace, we can observe that platforms such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, etc. can be recognised as the team level .


Also Read | A Gentle Introduction to Kanban Framework


Program Level:


The Agile Release Train consists of multiple Agile Teams, and the main focus of the Program Level in the SAFe methodology is to optimally run the Agile Release Trains and deliver the final product to the portfolio level.


The Program Level is responsible for deciding various aspects of the product, starting from the roadmap and ending with the artefacts of the product. The artefacts of a product include different aspects, such as


  1. Features: The items that become part of the final solution.

  2. Program Epics: Epics that stem from Portfolio Epics and are part of an Agile Release Train.

  3. Program Backlog: The list of features that must be implemented for an Agile Release Train.

  4. PI Objectives: Objectives that were planned in the Program Increment Planning session and which have to be achieved.

  5. Architectural Runway: The technical vision consisting of code and the features that become part of the solution to fulfil business objectives to enhance value.


This level mainly consists of 4 different types of participants:


  • Product Manager: Works with the customers to understand their needs and provide a roadmap for the product.

  • Release Train Engineer: Manages the PI Planning, Program Kanban and Inspect and Adapt activities.

  • System Architect: Decides the general architecture of the product.

  • Business Owner: A passive participant at this level just for a check.


Features of Program Level also includes:


  • Connect to the framework at the portfolio level.

  • Coordination of Agile teams' transition to Agile Release Train.

  • The heart of organisation for programme increment, which is the cornerstone of the Scaled Agile Framework

  • It assists the Agile Release Train in continuously delivering the solution.

  • Program Kanban limits the work in process to maintain focus on the work being done.


For instance, in the Google Workspace, the Google Drive acts as our Program Level.


Also Read | Scrum Framework: What it is and How does it work?


Portfolio Level:


The Portfolio Level is the highest level of the SAFe framework which is the actual decision making centre or the think tank of the organisation. The strategy for every product is being decided at this level only. Different aspects are taken care of at this level such as budget, vision, demand, etc.


The Participants and their Roles in the Portfolio Level are listed below:


  • Lean Project Management (LPM) – The final authority on approving the Portfolio Backlog.

  • Epic Owner – Creates the business cases that become part of the Portfolio Backlog.

  • Enterprise Architect – Provides the technical vision for the solution.

  • Enterprise Executives – Provide Feedback.


The artefacts which come under this level managed by the participants are:


  • Strategic themes

  • Business and Enabler Epics

  • Portfolio Backlog

  • Value Stream


Features of the Portfolio Level are listed below:


  • Collaboration of the product with the real world.

  • Introducing optimal budgeting systems.

  • Maintaining optimal flow of value to the environment.

  • Ample room for improvement.


For instance, the managers or the HR team of any company can be stated as the Portfolio Level. 


Flow of Information:


In any product-based organisation or company, the product life cycle has to go through a process before becoming valuable to the customers.


Companies following the Scaled Agile Framework run according to a set flow of data which controls the product management. This flow of data can be simply explained as:


  • Decision making (Portfolio Level) -> Optimal follow up and management (Program Level) -> Building software (Team Level)


A detailed explanation is as follows:


  1. Portfolio Level 


Firstly, the decisions regarding the basic aspects of the product are made, such as; whether to make the product or not; determining the time span for the product; determining the budget plan for the product; observing the demand for the product; analysing the value that it can add to the market, etc.


  1. Program Level 


Secondly, according to the decision made at the portfolio level, the participants plan the teams and provide a roadmap for the different artefacts regarding the product, such as; features, roadmap, programme backlog, programme objective, system design, etc.


  1. Team Level


Finally, different teams are assigned their roles and iterative periods in which they have to apply good engineering practises to meet the requirements of the product or a part of the product.


Why SAFe?


We should notice the fact that SAFe is an Agile methodology which states its benefits of an Agile Methodology over a brute-force methodology.


There are many beneficial aspects of SAFe methodology which gives it an edge over any other methodology which can be seen below:


  1. Less Time taking


We can observe that SAFe methodology provides division of the product building phase under different teams at the team level which are again optimised by the program level which makes the ART flow less time taking.


  1. Improvements in products after release


As SAFe is an Agile methodology, it provides us with the liberty to make changes  in the product after release.


  1. Less launching time


As SAFe methodology gives us the power of updation, we can release the beta version of the product into the market which can be updated further with time. This eradicates the risk of obsolescence of an idea and helps in pioneering the idea easily. 


  1. Increase in Productivity


As a result of less time-taking processes and less launching time, the productivity of the organisation increases in fair amounts.


  1. Better Employee Engagement


One benefit of scaling agile with the Scaled Agile Framework is helping knowledge workers achieve autonomy, mastery, and purpose, which are the key factors in unlocking intrinsic motivation. Organisations practising SAFe have the tools to minimise burnout and increase employee satisfaction.




By reading this so far, you must have noticed the advantages of using SAFe methodology because of the way it is implemented worldwide by product-based organisations.


Now let’s take a glance at the outstanding aspects of SAFe that we have read so far.


  • SAFe stands for Scaled Agile Framework and it is an Agile methodology used by organisations at world level.

  • Agile, in simple terms, is a product development process in which a product is made in iterations or stages.

  • This methodology tends to divide the production phase of the product into three levels namely - Team Level, Program Level, and Portfolio Level.

  • All the three levels, including the iterations, are connected to each other, which is the sole reason why it's so popular and most frequently used among software developers.

  • The Team Level is responsible for the development of the software at the grassroot level. This level serves as the building block of the methodology.

  • The Program Level is responsible for optimising the rate of development by the team level. Basically, this level serves as the optimising part of the methodology.

  • The Portfolio Level is responsible for taking major decisions such as what type of product is needed in the market, how much demand and value the product creates, whether the company can afford the making of a new product, and many more business-related decisions. This level serves as the brain of the methodology.

  • Agile teams power the Agile Release Train (ART) and ultimately the entire enterprise. ARTs are responsible for delivering larger solution value.

  • The flow of information in the methodology can be explained easily as:

  • Decision making (Portfolio Level) -> Optimal follow up and management (Program Level) -> Building software (Team Level)


Moreover, we come to a conclusion that SAFe methodology not only provides the benefits of an Agile Methodology but  also serves extensive benefits like optimality which makes it acceptable and practical worldwide.

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