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Best Knowledge Base Management Software in 2022

  • Ayush Singh Rawat
  • Nov 20, 2021
Best Knowledge Base Management Software in 2022 title banner

Any IT system that saves and retrieves knowledge to increase understanding, collaboration, and process alignment is referred to as a knowledge management system. 


Knowledge management systems may be found in companies and teams, but they can also be used to centralise your knowledge base for users or consumers.



List of knowledge base management software


  1. Knowmax:


To construct and maintain your database, Knowmax is one of the top knowledge management software systems. 


Organizations may use an Omnichannel Customer Engagement and Self-Service Platform to guarantee that customers get a consistent experience with guides and self-care support across all touchpoints. It provides a unified Digital Enablement solution for support advisors and clients.


Within the knowledge base software at a contact centre and through self-service portals, Knowmax features sophisticated search options that allow google-like elastic search. 


With its Decision trees software, Knowmax assists in the creation of agent scripting by assisting support teams in determining the next best step during client contact. Another fascinating aspect is the visual guidance that gives seamless issue solutions.



  1. Zendesk Guide:


Zendesk Guide is a programme for knowledge management. It enables you to deliver comprehensive self-service assistance to end users and empowers agents to better assist consumers. You may construct a support centre using Guide that includes: Customer-facing help site that is branded.


Self-service material may be published using a knowledge base software and to manage support requests. 


Sunshine, a CRM connector, is included. It's designed for companies who wish to keep track of their call centre traffic. It may, however, take some time to master this programme and use it to its full potential.


(Suggested blog: What is the Knowledge Graph?)



  1. Freshdesk:


Freshdesk is a feature-rich and simple-to-use cloud computing based customer support platform. You may assist consumers through their preferred contact mode using a variety of support channels, including live chat, email, phone, and social media.


Freshdesk makes self-service and ticket deflection more accessible by providing automatic help. 


On a single platform, conversations may be simplified. Insights are easily available, and metrics are displayed on the dashboard. Freshworks is ideally suited for businesses that fall within the micro- or small-business category.


Also Read | Cloud computing platforms



  1. Nuclino:


Nuclino is a single workspace for team collaboration and internal information exchange. It's lightweight by design, focusing on the essentials: the UI is clear, the editing experience is seamless, and the search is quick and dependable.


All information in Nuclino may be collaboratively changed in real time, with every change instantly saved in the version history and version conflicts avoided. 


You can bring your knowledge base to life with interactive media embeds, such as movies, maps, presentations, spreadsheets, and more, thanks to integrations with over 25 different apps.


Nuclino is a very adaptable internal knowledge base that may be used just for that purpose. It includes a nested list, a Kanban board, and a mind map as well as other methods to arrange and represent your material. This makes it a good fit for a variety of other scenarios, such as project management, document sharing, sprint planning, and so on. 


  1. HelpCrunch:


HelpCrunch is a simple user experience that can expand from small businesses to huge corporations. Because it contains a user chat option, it's an excellent platform for newbies to customer service administration.


HelpCrunch has a valuable SEO optimization panel for each post, where you can add tags and other information to improve the article's ranking in search results for each keyword. 


This goes hand in hand with the ability to observe valuable analytics from each search, such as the number of searches that yielded no results. That list is really useful since it identifies the areas in your customer service self-help platform where consumers are more likely to be dissatisfied.



  1. Flowlu:



In addition to a knowledge management solution, Flowlu is a CRM, project management, and collaboration tool. In contrast to the encyclopaedic style of typical information bases, the interface is built on cards, similar to a Kanban board.


The notion of knowledge transmission is another beneficial aspect that they've developed with foresight. 


Also Read | Advantages of CRM


When an employee leaves the organisation, all of the subtle tips and techniques they've picked up through time are generally gone permanently, and the new recruit must spend a significant amount of time learning the ropes. 


Flowlu has created a process for efficiently collecting this type of information from employees who are about to leave the organisation. (Here)



  1. Wix Answers:


There was (and still is) a programme called Wix before Wix Answers that was aimed to help small companies without technical resources create a website. 


Wix Answers is based on a similar value proposition: to empower small to medium-sized enterprises with easy knowledge base software. Wix Answers is a cloud-based service that offers two membership options.


Agents may learn the system and become operational in less than one 8-hour shift, owing to a simple, uniform user interface across all channels. Agents operate on a single system for all help channels after onboarding, so they don't have to waste time switching between tabs to address a problem.


Wix Answers' simple-to-use software allows businesses to establish customer care workflows that align with their company strategy. Users may build up automations for ticket routing, customise their help centre to fit the company's identity, and more without needing to know how to code.


Also Read | Guide to Marketing Management



  1. Intellum Platform:


Intellum Platform is worth considering if you need to educate at least 10,000 workers, partners, or customers and are seeking knowledge management software. 


The Intellum Platform is technically a learning management system, even though it contains knowledge base software. It does this by assisting businesses in hosting and facilitating educational courses, training programmes, and learning and development initiatives.


Technology, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Retail, and Healthcare are among the industries for which the system is developed. You'll need to speak with a sales representative to receive a tailored quotation for Intellum.



  1. Slite:


Slite's main goal is to enable teams to interact and work together more effectively, no matter where they are. They certainly do this with our knowledge base software, since it unifies the information of whole teams in a single, simple-to-use application.


From meeting minutes and analytics to customer support and CRM data to frequently asked questions (FAQs) and technical documentation, you may store any type of organisational data you can think of. When both your clients and your employees can find you, knowledge works best.


The discoverability features of Slite's knowledge management system automatically emphasise what's fresh and popular, ensuring that team members are always presented with the most up-to-date and vital information. (Here)


  1. HelpJuice:



HelpJuice is a feature-rich, cloud-based knowledge management platform that can be used for both internal and external solutions. It offers clean and modern formatting and style, a large number of comprehensive, powerful tools, and a high level of customization across the board. 


HelpJuice is simple to use and doesn't have a long learning curve. It's made to be simple to use, with a user-friendly UI. If you're still having problems, they provide excellent customer service.


HelpJuice also features a robust reporting and analytics system. Their extensive library of charts, graphs, charts, metrics, notes, and other tools enable you and your team to track productivity and strive for continuous improvement. 


It's simple to figure out which activities should be automated, which workflows should be altered, and how to work smarter rather than harder.


In the end, investing in a new tool is always a big decision. It takes time, money, and energy, so there’s a lot of pressure to get it right. Make sure you define your needs and goals upfront. 


As you learn more about different products, they may shift some, so you need to be a bit flexible, too.


When you’re reviewing options, be critical, get feedback from others, and take your time. It may feel overwhelming at times, but as long as you have a solid game plan, we’re confident you’ll make the right choice.

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