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Total Experience (TX) - What is it all about?

  • Pragya Soni
  • Nov 16, 2021
Total Experience (TX) - What is it all about? title banner

The idea of an ideal company is more than just delivering services and products. Consider the example of Walt Disney, the man has developed his entertainment business more than a mere channel. He created parks and rides, so that his customers can have a lifetime experience. 


Speaking of Disney, check out how Disney uses behavioral analytics to enhance customer experience


The entire concept is based on a multi experience disciple. Let us learn how Total Experience (TX) helps in building a business empire. We will proceed to the entire topic step by step. 


What is Total Experience (TX)?


TX expands for Total Experience. Total experience or TX may be defined as a strategic technique to build business and its insights. It creates superior shared experiences by interlinking the user experience, customer experience, multi experience and employee experience disciplines. 


By interaction of multiple constituents, total experience helps in achieving a transformational business yield.


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What are the disciplines of the Total Experience (TX)?


Total Experience works by interacting with multiple components. The major four disciplines are as follows:


User Experience


User Experience or UX is defined as the experience a user has felt while dealing with a brand, product or services.


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Customer Experience


Customer Experience or CX is defined as the sum total experiences a customer has throughout the process of purchasing from a brand or services.


Multi Experience


Multi Experience or MX include all other intermediaries and their experiences except customers, users and the employees. 


Employee Experience


Employee Experience refers to the experience an employee has while delivering a product or services.



What is the role of Total Experience (TX) in business?


In earlier models, customer experience, user experience, and employee experience were treated and evaluated separately. Total experience (TX) helps in interlinking these disciplines. Thus, TX stitches these disciplines, and gives the company a competitive advantage. 


As now the businesses around the globe have grown more remote, virtual and distributed, a strategic TX plan is necessary. The need of Total experience raised during covid times when the offices are replaced by homes. Not only to fulfill pandemic needs TX management is important to ensure the company's survival post pandemic. 


Total experience supports companies and organizations to capitalize on interruptions such as remote work and distributed customers. Though, distributed workforce model has accelerated amid the lockdown, the model actually emerged before the pandemic. 


Total experience helps to connect customers and employees by interlinking their experiences and interaction. TX thus incorporates the complete business experience, from the employee to the customer and the user. 


The total experience (TX) not only takes care of the customers but also provides a healthy environment to the employees too. Total experience (TX) helps in building a company’s reputation and is responsible for the quality of its end services or product.


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Total experience (TX) helps the companies, brands, and businesses to enjoy engagement with their customers and vice versa. According to a Gartner report, companies having a planned TX management will have more success rate than other companies.


Total experience (TX) supports the company by:


  1. Establishing trust of the customers.


  1. Fulfilling employee satisfaction.


  1. Branding the brand.


  1. Connecting every touchpoint.


  1. Updating customers’ goals and objectives.



What are the advantages of Total Experience in business and companies?

Benefits of TX in a company1. Interlinked Network2. Bridge the Gap between Customer and Employee3. Healthy Work Experience4. Customer Satisfaction5. Improved End Products6. Mirror to Company's progress

Benefits of TX in a company

The total experience (TX) has numerous advantages in business and its development. The major ones are listed below:


Interlinked network


The total experience (TX) is a framed network which links different disciplines such as customer experience, user experience, multi experience and employee experience.


Bridge between customers and employees


Total experience (TX) connects employees and customers together by interactions. This helps in reducing the gap between customers and employees. At the same time, TX also fuses the mindset of the two.


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Healthy work atmosphere


By taking employee experience (EX) into consideration, total experience (TX) promotes a healthy work environment and employee satisfactory environment. The health work atmosphere is a key factor to enhance the quality of end products or services. 


Customer satisfaction


Total experience (TX) also considers customer experience (CX). Thus, helps in delivering customer satisfactory products and services. Satisfied customers are the base of successful business empires.


Mirror to the company’s progress


Total experience (TX) contains the experience of customers, users and the employee. Thus, TX reflects the process and progress of the company from all sides.


Improved end products and services


By maintaining the intermediate process and mindsets, total experience indirectly focuses on quality end products and services.


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How to address Total Experience (TX)?


Mentioned below are the four ways in which total experience TX can be addressed in the business organizations and companies.


Connecting all the teams


The total experience (TX) breaks all the departmental walls of an organization. It brings different people together. The organization in order to address TX should bring all its teams under one umbrella. 


Customers and users are likely to be more satisfied when all the teams work in an integrated approach. The company should work on composability principle. This will ultimately lead to a unified experience and will also enhance the customer engagement.


Labelling the employee experience


That’s a genuine fact that users care how a company cares about its employees. Consumers evaluate the way the organization treats their workers. So, a company should take efforts to brand its employee experience. 


Mark your business with a corporate culture.  This will not attract the consumers but will also boost the business productivity. Those corporations which treat their employees more efficiently, reward them with high participation.


Multichannel communication


The companies and organizations should take more efforts to enhance multi communications. Consumers want more interaction from the company side. 


So, if you want to set your business at a new height you must take the required steps to increase multi-channel communication from your side. This will help you to gain customers’ loyalty, satisfaction and stability.


By building user interface


The organization should build friendly user interfaces. Technologies should be used to combine processes and simplify a user’s engagement. 


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Total experience (TX) aims to provide an all-round experience to everyone who interacts with your company or brand. The basic goal of total experience (TX) is to enhance customer experience (CX) and to enhance the business profits. Treating total experience as a prior will help you to engage more with your customers. 


It will also help you to frame and solve queries related to customer experience (CX). Total experience (TX) will also strengthen you to create a healthy work atmosphere and thus fulfilling employee satisfaction. Satisfied employees are the base of a powerful business empire. 


If you want to establish a successful business, you should seek a proper tool or design to create a connectivity channel. Companies should regularly interact with their customers and employees. Aforesaid points should be kept in mind while developing a TX strategy.

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